With statewide stay-at-home orders and 24/7 coverage of COVID-19 news, more and more people are tackling what they put off for a long time: their estate plan. Every adult should have, at a minimum, a Will, Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney, and a Living Will for peace of mind. In addition, it is highly recommended that those with young children create a trust to be funded only upon death. This will ensure that assets left to minor children will not held in probate court until the children reach age 18. It is worth noting that trusts are no longer the domain of the wealthy. Above all, trusts can be used as an effective tool to avoid probate, provide for a surviving spouse and children, and protect assets.
Estate planning during COVID-19 can be accomplished by phone, email, FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom. Furthermore, our firm will notarize documents remotely without face-to-face contact. Wills—which require the physical presence of two witnesses—can be executed in unconventional places such as parking lots, parks and driveways, with the utmost social distancing precautions.
The AARP provides helpful resources to the community during the coronavirus pandemic. If you would like more information about the estate planning process, visit our estate planning page and contact Eileen Bower at (614) 229-4502 or ebower@cbjlawyers.com.