Larry H. James, General Counsel for the National Fraternal Order of Police (NFOP), had the pleasure of speaking at the Columbus Metropolitan Club’s forum: Police, To Serve and Protect, on June 2, 2021. Mr. James was joined by the President and CEO of the Columbus Urban League, Stephanie Hightower, and the Attorney General of the State, Dave Yost.
The panel addressed the growing concerns regarding the current disconnect between law enforcement, the government, and the communities they serve. Mr. James along with his co-panelist answered questions related to the perception of law enforcement, police reform, biases, and the improvement of policing encounters. A link to the panel can be accessed here.
Also addressing the current state of law enforcement, Christopher R. Green, Associate General Counsel for the NFOP, will be speaking at the Ohio State Bar Association’s Fifth Annual Public Sector Law Conference on Friday, June 18, 2021. He will discuss Police Modernization. The presentation will address how public employers and unions can address the demand for change in law enforcement. Mr. Green will discuss current law enforcement-related reform legislation across the country, civilian review boards, collective bargaining and arbitration, and qualified immunity.
Larry H. James has served as General Counsel to the NFOP since 2001. The NFOP is the world’s largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers with more than 356,000 members in more than 2,100 lodges across the United States.
The Columbus Metropolitan Club hosts forums every Wednesday from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM.